Presentation at the joint event of the JÖSz Institute and the International Law Students’ Association of the Faculty of Law and Political Science of ELTE

Dr. Balázs Bartóki-Gönczy, Dr. Fruzsina Tari, and Attila Sipos participated in the joint lecture of the JÖSz Institute and the International Law Students’ Association of the Faculty of Law and Political Science of ELTE on 20 November.

The speakers gave presentations on the emerging issues related to space and then answered questions from the audience. The exploration and use of outer space is carried out on the basis of the equality of States in accordance with international law. While military use is a significant and indeed important driver of development, it is not enough to emphasize that States should conduct their activities in outer space only within a peaceful framework and in accordance with international law, including the Charter of the United Nations.

In particular, speakers stressed that space exploration is a capability that a modern State must exploit not only from a defence point of view, but also from an economic point of view. In addition to infrastructure, this requires the creation of an intellectual and legal base. In many ways, the conquest of space is a challenge for humanity, but the focus here on Earth must be on ensuring that a community and the individuals within it not only benefit from space exploration, but also become active participants in it.

Today in Hungary, 4iG Space Defence Technologies Ltd. and a growing number of companies are able to provide young people with jobs in the space industry and ensure their development. Space is for all of us, it concerns all of us, and this creates opportunities as well as responsibilities. Through education, NKE is able to reach more and more young people to ensure their scientific immersion in space exploration. At the same time, the 4iG group is creating an industrial capability in our country that will contribute to the creation and maintenance of a more peaceful modern world.

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